The first time we meet

Sometimes we come to spiritual direction knowing what it is that we want. Other times we are looking for something that we can’t quite name and we need someone to help us hear that still small voice whispering truth too softly to hear alone. You may well know that this — this one right here — is the thread you want to pull on. This is what you want to know more about or you might feel like it’s all knotted together into such a mess that you have no idea what it is you’re really looking to find.

I invite you to trust your gut. Listen to that wisdom from within as we begin this first time we meet together with introductions. I’ll ask you to tell me about yourself and offer a brief narrative about who I am beyond what you may have already read.

I was trained to hold 30 minutes for these first sessions where we we explore things like the the covenant we will share in this sacred bond and cover all of the logistics of what this bond is. I am finding that most people that seek me out know something about what spiritual direction is and really want to dive in.

And so, I make more time in my schedule for these first meetings. I allot an entire 60 minutes as I would for our future meetings if we discern we are a good fit to really explore what you here and now to this moment. You’ll share all that you know to be true and I’ll be listening for where I already sense God to be moving. I’ll make space for you to tell that whole story and share what excites me or gives me hope in the tangled threads you’ve shared.

In that time, I hope you’ll ask every question you might have of me and see how you feel about my style and then near the end of that 60 minutes, or we feel we’ve shared all that needs to be explored for right now, I’ll ask how this felt and ask you to consider where God is leading you. How do my questions increase your wonder? Do you feel like this is a partnership in which you can truly untangle all those loose threads?

We’ll close in prayer and know that prayer linger until you schedule your first official session and let me know of your interest in moving forward. I believe in that discernment and don’t want you to feel pressured to make a decision at the end of this first session.

If you are wondering what this might actually be like rather than how it’s written up here or have some questions, please reach out to me. I would be so delighted to hear from you.

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